Success always has it's unique expressions that make the process worth more than the outcome.
From individual metrics monitoring to team work challenges to genuine camaraderie expressed, this cohort reinforced previous expressions of the programs success in training physical readiness. However, with greater precision in metrics analysis, achieved greater than 90% of participants producing ideal performance progress with simultaneous muscular increases and fat decreases. All with significantly less negative responses of dysfunction and fatigue due to accumulated physical stress.
Click Below To Review 2015 Results.
To Keep The Performax In You Going, Remember:
Redeem your 'Annual Membership' voucher for only $60.
Join our P4MXFit Group Training Program throughout the month of July to say 'Thank You' for your commitment throughout the program.
Let us know if you would like to recieve and review your individual results by submitting a workout report below. We will let get back to you and let you know how you can stay plugged in by getting your own 'locker' to track your workouts, report metrics and get the analysis you need for maximum results and sustainable success.
Check Out and Share the 2015 Highlight Video that is a tribute to all of your accomplishments with 8 Weeks In 23 Minutes!
8 Weeks in 23 Minutes, Here are the highlights:
:18 Functional Gas Ops Assessment Battery
2:20 Functional Capacity Development - Work Specific Mechanical Conditioning and Work Intensity Cardiovascular Conditioning
5:20 Metaoblic Capacity Development - Work Specific Muscular Development and Progressive Cardiovascular Development Mechanical Pattern Diversity Introduction
8:12 Team Foundational Work Challenge - Foundational Muscular Endurance, Cardiovascular Power and Team Work Development
12:14 Team Work Challenge End - 'One Goal, One Team, WE ALL WIN!'
12:18 Team Functional Work Challenge - Integrative Muscular Power, Cardiovascular Strength and Dynamic Team Development
22:36 Final Team Work Challenge Finish!
PowerPathways 2013
2013 PowerPathways
A Look Back Those Who Have Lived A Day In The Life Of Performax...
It always looks so much easier than it actually is, when you get a look at how this years cohort worked, you'll see that they trained hard, but learned how to be smart when they did. Though individual efforts were impressive it was the teamwork and leadership that made the impression. Follow along and see for yourself how The PowerPathways BPAL Program did not just perform, but Performax!
8 Weeks in 26 Minutes, Here are the highlights:
:20 Cardiovascular Strength Training Category Description
:33 Muscular Conditioning Training Category Description
1:00 Mechanical Pattern Diversity Introduction
1:30 Mechanical Pattern Diversity Demonstration
2:35 Muscular Strength Capacity Introduction
3:10 Muscualr Strength Capacity Demonstration
5:00 Metabolic Work Capacity Introduction
6:14 Metabolic Work Capacity Demonstration
9:33 Climbing Skill Development, Functional Endurance Training and Team Building
12:22 Top Climbing Effort Highlight
13:00 Team Building Challenge 1
16:30 Team Building Challenge 1 Finish
16:47 Dynamic Warmup Instruction and Functional Capacity Test Introduction
18:39 The Test
21:47 The Finish
22:00 The Best Part of Performax, The Exit
23:15 Bonus Team Climbing Challenge Highlight