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To The Next Level...


SIGN UP for a FREE one month trial by filling out the form above. You will get a Performax Locker that will keep all of your P4MX metrics in one place and produce a 4 Week Microcycle Trend Analysis for our Performax Coaches & Trainers to keep an eye on and provide key insights and information once every four weeks to keep you on track.


SUBSCRIBE to a PoweredByPerformax Locker by clicking on the button and in addition, will recieve a 12 Week Mesocycle Trend Analysis as well as an ongoing 12 Month Macrocycle Trend Analysis of your P4MX metrics. This multi-cycle analysis will give you greater precision with real-time reminders of markers for positive/negative effects of training stressors. In addition to insights and information provided once every four weeks, this commitment will ensure you make the best decisions to realize your best!

Then Take It

Welcome To Team Performax, Your Locker Info Is On Its Way!

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